王群光自然診所:台北市羅斯福路三段271號10樓諮詢電話:886-2-23671086LINE ID:0919730053 Wechat ID: a0919730053
諮詢電話:886-2-23671086LINE ID:0919730053
Wechat ID: a0919730053
Are the effects of α-glucosidase inhibitors on cardiovascular events related to elevated levels of hydrogen gas in the gastrointestinal tract?
Received 20 April 2009;
revised 28 May 2009;
accepted 31 May 2009.
Available online 8 June 2009.
The major side-effect of treatment with α-glucosidase inhibitors, flatulence, occurs when undigested carbohydrates are fermented by colonic bacteria, resulting in gas formation. We propose that the cardiovascular benefits of α-glucosidase inhibitors are partly attributable to their ability to neutralise oxidative stress via increased production of H2 in the gastrointestinal tract. Acarbose, which is an α-glucosidase inhibitor, markedly increased H2 production, with a weaker effect on methane production. Our hypothesis is based on our recent discovery that H2 acts as a unique antioxidant, and that when inhaled or taken orally as H2-dissolved water it ameliorates ischaemia–reperfusion injury and atherosclerosis development.
Keywords: α-Glucosidase inhibitors; Type 2 diabetes; Hydrogen gas; Antioxidant

資料來源 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-41174-238349.html